Yoga Klassen

Vrikshasana – Tree Pose

Hello,Tree Pose – Vrikshasana is one of the most popular and recognizable yoga poses, known for improving balance. It strengthens the legs, enhances stability, and stretches the hips and inner thighs, promoting a sense of grounding. Beyond the physical benefits, Vrksasana sharpens mental focus, helping to center the mind. Muscular Strengthening: -The standing leg strengthens and stabilizes, enhancing balance and […]

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The Element of Aether – Elemental Yoga Journey

The fifth and final element, Aether, or ‘Akasha’ in Sanskrit, meaning ‘space’ or ‘ether,’ is the most subtle and expansive of the five elements in yogic philosophy. It signifies space, the vastness that contains and connects everything. Aether embodies the qualities of emptiness and infinite potential, serving as the foundation for all other elements to exist. Practicing Aether in Yoga: […]

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The Element of Air – Elemental Yoga Journey  

Air represents freedom and vital energy in both our bodies and the natural world. In Sanskrit, “Vayu” is one of the five elements in yogic philosophy, symbolizing lightness, expansiveness, and prana, the life force sustaining all living beings. Yoga: Yoga: Moving with the breath fosters freedom and openness, especially with backbends like Camel Pose. Practicing balancing poses like Warrior III, […]

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The Element of Fire – Elemental Yoga Journey

The element of fire symbolizes transformation, energy, and the vibrant essence that fire provides both within our bodies and the natural world. Fire, or “Agni” in Sanskrit, represents the qualities of heat, power, and dynamic change in yogic philosophy. Yoga: Practicing the Sun Salutations, Boat Pose and Twists focus on building heat and reflecting fire’s transformative power. Flowing like fire […]

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The Element of Water – Elemental Yoga Journey

The element of Water emphasizing fluidity, adaptability, and the nurturing essence that water provides both within our bodies and the natural world. Water, or “Apas ” in Sanskrit, is one of the five great elements in yogic philosophy, representing qualities of movement, change, and emotional depth. Yoga: The Vinyasa Yoga  integrates breath and movement seamlessly. Poses like Upward-Facing Dog, Low Lunge, […]

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Elemental Yoga Journey

Dear Yogis, Welcome to our upcoming yoga series: “Elemental Yoga Journey” Over the coming weeks, we will dedicate our practice to the five essential elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Aether. This week, we embark on our journey with clarity and simplicity. We’ll briefly explore all five elements before delving deeper into each in the following weeks. Earth: Ground yourself […]

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Yoga Basics # 11 Practice is the key!

In this last class of Yoga Basics, we reflect on what we’ve learned.  By understanding the alignment of asana gives you the power of selfceare during your practice. Within this essence you can tap into its transformative power to cultivate balance, peace, and well-being in your live. Even yoga teachers like me are still students and devote time to their […]

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Yoga Basics #10 The Timeless Wisdom of Yoga Philosophy

After exploring the basic principles of alignment in various asanas and breath work, today, in this 10th lesson, we focus on the Yoga Philosophy, specifically the eight limbs the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali, often regarded as the father of yoga, documented this ancient wisdom in 195 aphorisms. These profound principles are just the tip of the iceberg of Yogic philosophy. Those […]

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Yoga Basics #9: Inversion – Joyfully turn the world upside down

In yoga, an inversion is any pose where your heart is higher than your head. This includes challenging poses like Handstand and Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana), as well as relaxing poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana) and Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani). Turning the world upside down, children love to do it in such a playful way. If […]

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