Welcome you to my mobile Physiotherapy!

I am Andrea Stern, I’m educated in Germany with  15+ years Physical Therapist experiences.

Based in Obidos Portugal,  I do mobile visits in the area of Caldas da Rainha, Óbidos and Peniche.

My treatment sessions are typically 60 minutes, with a focus that is entirely tailored to your unique requirements. I bring all the necessary equipment and expertise directly to your home, ensuring maximum convenience and comfort throughout your recovery journey.

My personal Physiotherapeutic treatment consists 3 different aspects:

1. Anamnesis – Inspection:

Our journey begins with a meticulous diagnostic assessment. During this phase, I delve deep to uncover the underlying causes of your discomfort. Whether your symptoms stem from an injury or improper loading, I seek to understand when the pain occurs, its duration, and which specific muscles and functional structures are affected. This initial inspection is crucial in allowing me to develop a clear picture of your concerns, enabling me to address them at their source effectively.

2. Therapeutic Treatment:

Following the diagnostic phase, I employ a comprehensive range of techniques. My therapeutic treatment encompasses massage, manual therapy, trigger point therapy, and the calming practice of Reiki. My ultimate goal is to relieve tension and alleviate pain, providing you with the comfort and relief you seek. I also offer Kinesio taping, a technique originating from Japan, designed to mimic the skin’s structure and effectively manage muscle tone and pain.

3. Specific Exercise:

To ensure your long-term well-being, I guide you through targeted exercises that enhance stability and promote pain-free movement. My aim is to motivate you to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle. I’ll create a personalized exercise program tailored to your needs, making it easy for you to practice independently.

You can reach out to me via phone or message to secure your preferred time slot.
I’m excited to assist you on your path to improved health and well-being.

Call Now

Mobile Physiotherapist at your home

per hour
We recommend multiple treatments, but can also include all 3 steps in one session.

Treatments includes:

  • Anamnesis
  • Therapeutic Treatment
  • Specific Exercise
  • +351 914 241 143, Andrea Stern
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.